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NB : the all pc tricks are tested but some are badly infected your system.then try your own risk.

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Alt Tips for PC Maintenance
Alt Top Ten Tips To Improve System Speed
Alt Increase your RAM
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Alt How to Delete the recycle bin?
Alt How Lock your computer?
Alt How Hide the Partitions
Alt How Clone Drives in windows
Alt Create Multiple login in yahoo acount.
Alt How Lock_icons_on_desktop
Alt Regedit_keyboard_shortcuts
Alt Run Commands
Alt Add Stop Programs during startup
Alt How Find who is invisible on yahoo?
Alt How to Create a hidden user account?
Alt Trick to lock your private folder
Alt Make your windows fast as never beforer
Alt How Create nameless files?
Alt How to Make Undeletable Files?
Alt How Change a drives icon?
Alt How Rename multiple files at once?
Alt How Hide user accounts?
Alt Windows Registry tricks
Alt A to Z Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt How to remove user password in windows?
Alt How to delete administrator password in windows?
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Txt How rotate your desktop in four direction?
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